
Specialist Subjects


Music, Drama and Dance are taught in all classes across the school as part of the specialist program. Students develop their skills as performers and as an audience. All students have the opportunity to be involved in our end of year whole school twilight concert.


Currently Creative Arts is run as part of our specialist program. Students focus on the elements of art and they are able to explore a variety of mediums. They also work in digital arts, such as movie making, sound recording and animation.


Every student has two PE lessons each week. Students develop co-ordination and ball skills through fundamental movement skills. As well as gain an appreciation for a variety of sports, game sense and tactics as they get older. The program has an emphasis on improvement, engagement and team building.


Currently our Indonesian teacher is on maternity leave. This subject will be part of the curriculum in semester 2, 2024. Students are immersed in the Indonesian language, using games and conversations. All learning is hands on and interactive. They also learn about Indonesian culture, improving intercultural understanding.


Christies Beach Primary School

Building Empowered Learners For Life

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